From November, 2012, the Program on Cooperation with Educational Institutions of Ukraine is in force at the Works. It is aimed at making the schoolchildren, the pupils of lyceums and colleges to understand the prestige value of metallurgical professions, to orient the best pupils for entering the educational institutions and study professions for to meet the requirements of the Works.

From 2013, the leading specialists and managers of «Zaporizhstal» Steel Works arrange master-classes for the students of Zaporozhye high schools, during which the Works’ representatives tell the young people about the specific activity of different services of the Works. In 2013, 1525 students took part in such master-classes. Besides, the enterprise participates in «Fairs of Vacancies», which are made for the students.

Moreover, in some districts of Zaporozhye, today the representations of the «Career Centre» of the Works arrange excursions to the Workshops for the pupils, meeting with the well-known metallurgists, with the Management of «Zaporizhstal» Steel Works. So, in 2013, about 1000 pupils and students visited the Works.

Besides, «Zaporizhstal» Steel Works encourages participation of the schoolchildren in the Doors Open Days at the Faculty of Metallurgy in ZSEA. In 2013, over 250 school and lyceum leavers attended this event, and for the Zaporozhye school leavers completed consultations on the issues of the independent testing in Mathematics and Chemistry.

Yearly, over one thousand students of the High Schools, colleges, and pupils of the vocational schools undertake the informational, industrial and pre-graduation practical training at the Works. The pupils from colleges and lyceums undertake practical training at the working places with salary pay-off; they get qualification category and practical skills in operation as their future specialty. The students make their term papers and graduation papers on the topics suggested by «Zaprizhstal» Works.

In 2013, the Works, upon agreement with the Engineer Academy, for the first time, employed the 3d-year students of the Metallurgical Faculty for the period of training so that to get a profession. In future, this will help to better adaptation of the graduates at the Works. The best trainees are invited to work at «Zaporizhstal» Steel Works.

In order to motivate for getting good education in the area of metallurgy, the Works pays out to ten best students from ZMC of ZSEA a scholarship – UAH 500.

Besides, the Works participates in the «Fairs of Vacancies», which are held for the students of Zaporozhye High Schools.

List of schools – partners: Zaporozhye State Engineering AcademyZaporozhye, Lenin Avenue 226 , tel. (061) 236-90-34 , Zaporizhzhya National Technical UniversityZaporozhye, st. Zhukovsky , 64 . tel . (061) 764-25-06 , Zaporizhzhya National UniversityZaporozhye, st. Zhukovsky , 66 , tel. (061) 228-75-00 , Zaporozhye Metallurgical College Zaporozhye State Engineering AcademyZaporozhye, st. Nemirovich -Danchenko , 71 , tel. (061) 224-05-62 , Zaporozhye Steel professional lyceumZaporozhye, st. Final 1, tel . (061) 222-64-74 , National Metallurgical Academy of UkraineDnepropetrovsk, Gagarina Avenue , 4 , tel. (056) 745-31-56 , National Technical University ” Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”Kharkov, ul . Frunze , 21 , tel. (057) 707-66-34 .
