In 2014, “Zaporozhstal” Steel Works, adhering to Metinvest’s principle of social commitments, would accept for employment 260 recent graduates of vocational education institutions and higher education establishments of Zaporozhye.

Nowadays, the recruitment and hiring procedure is under way of recent graduates of higher education establishments, colleges, vocational schools to working places in main production shops.

The employed graduates begin their working career at the Steel Works in blue-collar jobs and engineering occupations. Adaptation program of young professionals is in effect which helps young specialists to find their feet at the Steel Works, encourage the improvement of their professional skills and at later stage secure the career advancement of forward looking specialists.

“Under current conditions the graduates of education institutions have difficulties in finding employment, as a rule, employers require the experience in occupational work. We have system approach to solving the problem of lack of experience of young cadres, as early as at the educative process, the students undertake practical training at Steel Works, get their first blue-collar occupation, became acquainted with specific features of production, and after that, consciously take decision to work at our Steel Works”, – pointed out Rostyslav Shurma, General director of “Zaporozhstal” Steel Works.

As part of cooperation program with educational institutions, “Zaporozhstal” Steel Works established special educational scholarships for 10 best students of Metallurgical College of Zaporozhye state engineering academy (500 UAH), by completion of studies such graduates would have the priority right for employment at the Steel Works.

It should be noted, that annually around 1500 students of higher education establishments, colleges, vocational education institutions undergo introductory training, on-the-job-training, pre-graduation practical training at Steel Works. 622 students and pupils had training at the Steel Works only within 5 months of 2014.
