PJSC “Zaporizhstal” reduced natural gas consumption by 240 million m3 in three years


Zaporizhstal within the framework of the implemented project on the exchange of secondary gases with Zaporozhcoke for three years reduced the consumption of natural gas by 240 million m3. Let us recall that in 2016 Zaporizhstal upgraded the gas pipeline and gas equipment for supplying coke gas from Zaporozhcoke (investments amounted to 75 million UAH), which made it possible to switch to coke-blast furnace and natural-blast furnace gas mixes at the rolling mill shops (blooming shop, hot strip rolling mill), as well as cogeneration power plants. The economic effect for three years from the implementation of the project amounted to about 1.4 billion UAH.

“Managing the energy intensity of production makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of enterprise, especially in the context of a constant increase in energy prices. For three years, thanks to the project for the exchange of secondary gases, the plant significantly reduced the consumption of natural gas in production”, said Aleksandr Mironenko, the CEO of Zaporizhstal Steel Works.

In addition, coke oven gas obtained from Zaporozhcoke was also used to generate electricity at cogeneration power plant: since 2016, Zaporizhstal has generated 38 million kWh, which reduced the cost of purchased electricity by more than 140 million UAH.
